
The Online Weaving School

The Weekend Edition - Colour and Weave

Published 27 days ago • 1 min read

Hi Weavers!

Recently when I spoke to the Lancaster Spinners and Weavers Guild I was excited to share my thoughts on Colour and Weave.

Why is this such an exciting topic to me?

Well, because I remember the thrill of first discovering the possibilities of Colour and Weave as a newer weaver.

If you haven't heard of it before, in it's most basic form it is the arrangement of colours in the warp and the weft. When these colours cross paths, that is when the magic happens!

The really cool aspect of Colour and Weave is that when it is combined with simple plain weave it can completely transform your weaving.

I always encourage newer weavers to give it a try, as you really don't need many extra skills and no additional equipment. You just need a bit of extra time to put your warp colours together.

Some super popular examples of this technique are:

Hounds tooth

Log Cabin


Colour and weave can also be combined with weave structures other than plain weave.

Interested in learning more? Check out this article with more examples:

Colour and Weave...


Thank you!

I hope you enjoy learning from this resource! To help me to continue providing valuable free content, please consider... Read more


Extra learning resources

Warping a rigid heddle loom by yourself...

5 rigid heddle warping tips...

1/5 warp floats on a rigid heddle loom tutorial...


Remember to follow me on Instagram! and tag me if you complete any of my classes or patterns - I will share them in my stories 😉

I also share content on my Instagram and in my stories that you won't see elsewhere.

Have a great weekend!

Until next time...

Happy Weaving!

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The Online Weaving School

by Kelly Casanova

Kelly is a self taught weaver with a big passion for sharing the timeless art of weaving with others. Kelly is known for her calm and slow teaching style and she bases her classes on how she would have liked to have been taught. She designs all of her own projects and caters for levels from beginner to intermediate.

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